Teacher Version

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Obstacle Detection

Topics Covered

  • Rethinking Obstacle Detection

Virtual Robot: ObstacleDetectionVR.rbg

Physical Robot: ObstacleDetection.rbg

Check Your Understanding

  1. Instead of thinking about the four-rotation Obstacle Detection as one big movement, the video suggests thinking about it as:
    1. An impossible task to put into program
    2. A long series of tiny movements that add up to four rotations
    3. Running multiple programs simultaneously
    4. Handing the problem to the next person to figure out
  2. How do continuous decisions allow the robot to watch both sensors at once?
    1. Every time the readings of any sensors change, the program resets and restarts at the beginning
    2. First the robot calculates the path with both sensors, and then runs algorithms for the best way to run the course
    3. The robot activates a specific sensor at certain times throughout the course
    4. Every operation is fast and does not block other commands from running
  3. In the final version of the program, the robot ends up processing the If/Else Conditional block inside the repeatUntil Loop:
    1. Only once, ever, because it is an If/Else Conditional Loop
    2. Four times, because the Loop goes for four rotations
    3. Thousands of times or more, because the robot processes the loop very quickly and thus encounters the If/Else conditional loop many times
    4. The program never worked and requires a revision that is provided in the next video

ClosedClick here for the Answers

B. A long series of tiny movements that add up to four rotations

D. Every operation is fast and does not block other commands from running

C. Thousands of times or more, because the robot processes the loop very quickly and thus encounters the If/Else conditional loop many times

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